Gummy smile

When smiling, a gummy smile is defined as an excessive display of gum over the upper teeth.

This display of gum when smiling can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a short upper lip, a hyperactive top lip, small teeth, swollen gums, or an overgrown top jaw. 

A gummy smile is typically genetic, and therefore cannot be prevented.



Botox can be used to treat a gummy smile by temporarily relaxing the muscles of the upper lip. This allows the lip to rest in a lower position, which reduces the amount of gum that is visible when you smile.

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Dermal fillers can be used to treat a gummy smile by adding volume to the upper lip. This helps to create a more balanced appearance between the lip and the gums, and it can also reduce the amount of gum that is visible when you smile. It can also be added to the sagging neck to limit the hyperactivity of the muscles which lift the lip.


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